Moka Only & Factor Chandelier with Birdapres, Rob Crooks and Dj Co-op at the Green Room

       This coming Wednesday, June 13th, I will be opening up for Canadian Hip-Hop legend Moka Only, who will be performing with my long time homie from Rapskatoon, Factor Chandelier. Also on the bill are some other good friends of mine, but more importantly great artists, Bridapres and Dj Co-op. This is gonna be a… Continue reading Moka Only & Factor Chandelier with Birdapres, Rob Crooks and Dj Co-op at the Green Room

“Hearts” EP Now Available for Digital Download from Marathon Of Dope (.com)

After three very fun CD release parties in Winnipeg, Regina and Saskatoon, my brand new EP Hearts is now available to the masses through the magical wonder of the world wide web. By going to, you can download Hearts to your computer for free; or for a dollar; or for ten; or for a… Continue reading “Hearts” EP Now Available for Digital Download from Marathon Of Dope (.com)

Masters Are Back!

Today I got the masters to my upcoming album Hearts back. So, I’m that much closer to releasing the album! However, there are a few details that still need to be worked out before I can announce a release date and start planning the party. But it shouldn’t be too much longer! In the meantime,… Continue reading Masters Are Back!

Happy End of December!

        So, here we are again at the end of another year. I hope everyone is having, and will continue to have a wonderful winter. Two-thousand-eleven was quite a year for me. I played shows all over Canada, from Vancouver to Montreal, and everywhere in between. Next year I hope to play Victoria to Halifax… Continue reading Happy End of December!

Manitoba Folkways Collection

     This coming Friday, October 28th, I will be performing at the Manitoba Folkways Collection’s vinyl release party. I was asked to participate in this project by one of the organizers, the lovely Kerri-Lynn Reeves. Basically, the idea for the project was to go around Southern Manitoba looking for folk artists to record, with the… Continue reading Manitoba Folkways Collection